Glutathione & IV Therapy

Glutathione & IV Therapy

What is Glutathione?

Glutathione is a naturally occurring peptide produced by every cell in the human body, including immune cells. This powerhouse molecule is made up of three essential amino acids: cysteine, glutamate and glycine.

Glutathione is an extremely powerful antioxidant and key to almost all body functions. When glutathione is depleted it results in cell death. When glutathione levels are sufficiently high it protects your cells from damage by free radicals, among other benefits.1

Glutathione has outstanding and far-reaching benefits for health, beauty and longevity. It has been widely studied and is known as “the mother of all antioxidants.”

  • Glutathione improves immune function and helps fight and prevent disease
  • Glutathione lightens and brightens skin by erasing hyper-pigmentation and inhibiting melanin production in cells
  • Glutathione reduces inflammation
  • Glutathione helps your body break down and purge fat
  • Glutathione keeps your body from becoming resistant to drugs
  • Glutathione promotes high energy and mental clarity
  • Glutathione has anti-aging properties
  • Glutathione can improve quality of sleep and combat stress from sleep apnea
  • Glutathione is the ultimate detoxifier and fights oxidative stress

High glutathione levels directly correspond to overall health and function for every system in your body. Your cells make glutathione, but usually not enough to deal with the high levels of free radicals (from environmental toxins, alcohol, stress and more) we encounter daily.

Boost your glutathione levels quickly and easily in our Costa Mesa IV hydration clinic or bring your friends for a group IV session.

Glutathione IV FAQ:

Glutathione skin benefits

Does glutathione lighten skin?

Glutathione has been shown to lighten skin tone. How? Glutathione binds to the enzyme responsible for melanin production and reduces activity. In addition, GSH reduces free radical activity throughout the body which further prevents activation of melanin-producing enzymes.

Glutathione not only lightens the skin, it helps minimize and prevent dark marks, scars and age spots, especially when added to our anti-aging IV hydration treatment. Glutathione also detoxifies the liver, which results in brighter, clearer skin.

Glutathione also boosts collagen synthesis by specialized cells and by regulating TGF (Transforming Growth Factor) stimulated collagen production.

Oxidative stress is a known factor in acne breakouts. Glutathione reduces the effect of free radicals in the skin and can help prevent acne, wrinkles, and fine lines. Another powerful antioxidant, ALA, also improves skin by reducing puffiness and the appearance of pores and works well with glutathione.

What is the best way to absorb glutathione?

Studies show eating or drinking glutathione supplements is not an effective way of increasing your blood levels of glutathione.

Glutathione IV infusion bypasses your digestive tract and delivers the powerful antioxidant directly to your bloodstream where it can do the best. High levels of glutathione in your blood are carried to your brain, heart, lungs, muscle tissue and everywhere in your body so your cells can benefit from glutathione’s detoxifying and protective properties.

There are some supplements shown to boost your body’s own production of glutathione:

How well your body absorbs the supplement and produces glutathione depends on your unique body chemistry, age, health, and many other factors. The best way to ensure you are getting maximum absorption and the full benefits of glutathione is with an IV infusion.

Glutathione deficiency

What is glutathione depletion?

Low glutathione levels can lead to fatigue, headaches, depression & even skin rashes.

Glutathione levels can be depleted by stress, sickness, medications, infections, toxins, radiation and aging. Your body produces glutathione, but if depletion outpaces production you can wind up deficient.

What are the symptoms of glutathione deficiency?

Signs of low glutathione levels may include:

  • Chronic fatigue and/or weakness
  • Headaches/dizziness
  • Problems sleeping
  • Frequent colds
  • Dermatitis
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Painful joints
  • Moodiness and/or depression

Many chronic health conditions including autoimmune disorders, fibromyalgia, heart disease, skin disorders and many more are associated with low glutathione levels. In many cases the medications prescribed for chronic health problems further deplete glutathione.



What causes glutathione deficiency?

Research shows regular exercise helps maintain or improve glutathione levels in the body.

Glutathione levels decrease as we age. Certain diseases and health conditions can also reduce glutathione supplies. Low levels of glutathione are linked to poor health. This is one reason why people are more likely to develop various health problems as they get older.

Health conditions linked to low glutathione levels include:

  • Cancer
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Liver cirrhosis
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

Health problems can cause decreased glutathione. You can also fail to produce enough glutathione due to genetic deficiencies and lack of the necessary enzymes.

Replenishing glutathione helps treat the symptoms of many health problems associated with low levels of this important antioxidant.


Glutathione-rich foods

What foods are high in glutathione?

Eating plenty of fresh, organic produce & non-procesed meats can help increase glutathione levels.

Glutathione is naturally made in cells but requires a strict diet high in certain vitamins for efficient formation.

Some foods and supplements that boost the formation of glutathione are:

  • Foods rich in Vitamins B6, B9, B12 & biotin
  • Foods rich in Vitamin C & E
  • Milk thistle
  • Whey protein
  • Sulfurous foods (see below)

Glutathione is not easily absorbed from food sources. However, some foods high in sulfurous amino acids may help increase glutathione levels:

  • Avocado
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli and Cauliflower
  • Garlic and Onions
  • Spinach and Kale
  • Non-processed meat

An organic diet with abundant fresh produce can help your body produce more glutathione. But even an ideal diet may not be processed and absorbed ideally in the digestive system.

The best and fastest way to be sure you are absorbing and benefiting glutathione is by skipping the digestive tract altogether and getting glutathione IV infusions at Boost Hydration.

Glutathione & vitamin C

Glutathione and vitamin C (ascorbic acid) are both strong and versatile antioxidants helping your body neutralize toxins and other oxidizing agents and protecting your cells.

Glutathione and vitamin C also interact with each other in beneficial ways. Vitamin C helps maintain glutathione levels in the body, and glutathione transforms oxidized dehydroascorbate (oxidized ascorbic acid) back into its active form.

Vitamin C can help improve glutathione levels by sharing the job of attacking free radicals, leaving more glutathione available.

Not only do vitamin C and glutathione both work to neutralize free radicals, they seem to “help” each do their jobs better.

Should glutathione be taken with vitamin C?

One study found vitamin C supplements increase glutathione levels in human lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell found in the lymphatic system).

A different study tracked glutathione levels measured in red blood cells and found that adults taking at least 500 mg of vitamin C supplements daily had almost 50% higher glutathione levels.

Glutathione can be made by the body, while vitamin C cannot. Supplementing your diet with intravenous glutathione and vitamin C may help maximize the benefits from both nutrients.

Glutathione for acne

Is glutathione good for acne?

There’s good reason to believe that increasing glutathione levels can result in fewer acne lesions. In a study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, they found low glutathione levels were associated with increased likelihood of having acne-prone skin.5

A separate NCBI study found that subjects with moderate to severe acne had measurably lower levels of GSH (glutathione) compared to subjects with mild or no acne.

Both studies support an association between increased oxidative stress and acne breakouts. Glutathione fights oxidative stress, including known acne-causing agents like free radicals and squalene peroxide.

Is glutathione good for acne scars?

Melanin is the pigment that causes your skin to become tan when exposed to sunlight. It can also cause scars to be darker than the surrounding skin. Because glutathione IV treatments can inhibit melanin production and lighten skin tone, they can help fade darker areas such as acne scars or other types of hyperpigmentation.

Glutathione, the brain & moods

Is glutathione good for the brain?

Glutathione is crucial for cellular detoxification of free radicals throughout the body, including brain cells. The brain needs lots of oxygen to function optimally, which means it produces a lot of free radicals. This makes the brain particularly susceptible to oxidative damage.11 Glutathione deficiency weakens your brain’s natural defenses against oxidative stress. Maintaining sufficient glutathione levels flushes away free radicals and supports brain function.

Your brain is made up of more than 70% water and cannot function properly when dehydrated. Our Brain Boost IV treatment with rehydrating fluids, essential nutrients and a glutathione add-on boost will help keep your brain balanced, focused and energized.

Can glutathione help with depression?

People diagnosed with depression, OCD, ADHD and schizophrenia have low glutathione levels. Many of the drugs prescribed to treat bipolar disorder work by boosting levels of glutathione in the cells.

Glutathione has also been shown to help reduce oxidative stress. Stress is a major symptom and contributing factor in many mental health imbalances. Recent research shows glutathione is a promising treatment for improving the symptoms of autism spectrum disorders.

Glutathione & cancer treatment

Is glutathione good for cancer patients?

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant, helping the body remove excess free radicals. Stress and sickness can cause your body’s glutathione levels to become depleted very quickly.

When you are sick or dealing with the side effects of cancer treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation, decrease and change in appetite can make getting enough of this important nutrient nearly impossible.

Supplementing your diet with IV glutathione infusions can help repair cells damaged by cancer treatments. Many cancer survivors using IV therapy report improving their quality of life much faster than by relying on glutathione from food alone.

Glutathione & weight loss

Glutathione treatments keep your liver happy so you can detox and renew daily.

Does glutathione help with weight loss?

Glutathione works behind the scenes to help with weight loss. Glutathione is, for the most part, produced and stored in your liver. Your liver is the organ responsible for filtering your blood to neutralize toxins, drugs, free radicals and other harmful substances.

Without sufficient glutathione levels, your liver can’t function properly. An overwhelmed liver leads to a sluggish metabolism, ineffective digestion and more fat being stored in your body.

When losing weight, fat breaks down and stored toxins in fat cells are released. Glutathione helps your body eliminate (rather than reabsorb) the toxins.

For optimal weight loss results, make sure you keep your liver happy and glutathione levels boosted by adding glutathione to any of our IV treatments for weight loss.

 Does glutathione affect appetite?

There have not been any studies on whether glutathione increases or suppresses appetite, but some foods act as natural appetite suppressants and also contain glutathione, and/or nutrients that contribute to glutathione production in the body:

  • Greek yogurt
  • Red chili peppers
  • Avocados
  • Barley
  • Vegetable soup
  • Fresh salads
  • Spinach
  • Flaxseed

While glutathione found in foods is not optimally absorbed in the digestive tract, natural foods that can suppress appetite8 typically have additional health benefits like essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, protein, and other nutrients that help your body produce glutathione naturally.

Glutathione & hangovers

Does glutathione help hangovers?

Alcohol consumption not only reduces glutathione levels in the liver, it causes oxidative stress. Glutathione can help you recover from a punishing hangover by adding extra detoxifying power so you can cleanse and renew your system.

Glutathione can also reduce hangover symptoms by working to lower acetaldehyde toxicity, which is the root cause of some of the worst morning-after effects of drinking.

Other health supplements can help your body produce glutathione and counteract hangover effects:

ALA (alpha lipoic acid) itself is a powerful antioxidant, and it also helps your body regenerate and restore glutathione.

NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) is another glutathione precursor, plus it supports the liver and helps minimize damage from drinking alcohol.4

Our hangover IV treatment includes glutathione to help you detox and feel better faster. Try our hangover prevention IV formula before your next celebration to prevent hangover symptoms before they start!

Glutathione: Anti-aging?

Studies on skin health have demonstrated the anti-aging effects of glutathione, including:

  • Increased skin elasticity
  • Reduced wrinkles
  • Lower melanin index (reversing the effects of photoaging/melasma)

Does glutathione slow aging?

Glutathione has also been shown to slow trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL) which is how quickly water is lost through the skin. Try our Anti-Aging IV treatment with a glutathione boost to rejuvenate your skin from the inside out.

Does alcohol affect glutathione?

Studies have found that persistent alcohol abuse results in lower glutathione levels12 and compromises your body’s ability to replenish glutathione.
Even moderate drinking diminishes glutathione levels in the body, because glutathione stores in the liver are depleted by the process of metabolizing alcohol and clearing out the alcohol metabolites.

Avoiding alcohol may be in our best interests, but there are ways to address glutathione depletion for those who enjoy raising a glass. Restore balance and healthy glutathione levels the easy way with a relaxing IV hydration treatments.

Detoxing with glutathione

When your body is toxic, a whole range of unwanted side effects can be felt, including fatigue, difficulty concentrating, depression, and difficulty losing weight.

Your liver does the lion’s share of the work converting toxic substances into molecules that can be safely excreted from your system. When there are too many toxins for your liver to keep up, they are stored for later. When “later” never comes (because of a constant influx of toxins) they build up and can cause health problems.

Is glutathione a detoxifier?

Glutathione helps you detox by supporting your liver. Even if you eat a perfect diet, your liver can still become overburdened from air pollution and other environmental toxins. IV hydration with a glutathione IV push can help support healthy liver function and detoxification.

Glutathione injections

What are the benefits of glutathione injection?

Our Boost shots are convenient & customizable, so you can add extra glutathione or even build your own.

Glutathione injections are perfect for anyone who wants all the benefits of glutathione but many not have time for an IV treatment.

Boost Hydration in Costa Mesa has several different vitamin injections to choose from in addition to our Glutathione Boost shot.

Injecting glutathione directly into the bloodstream as a shot or IV treatment is the best way supplement your gluathione levels. Oral glutathione supplements are not absorbed nearly as well or as quickly as a direct injection.

Glutathione injections only take five minutes and can give you a quick boost you’ll benefit from all week.

Glutathione IV side effects

Does glutathione have any side effects?

Studies have linked long-term use of supplemental glutathione to lower zinc levels. Consuming glutathione supplements orally has also been linked to digestive distress in some patients, such as abdominal cramps or bloating.

Intravenous glutathione bypasses the digestive system completely, delivering the master antioxidant directly to your cells. The vast majority of people who receive glutathione IV treatments report only positive side effects.

More studies are needed on the long-term effects of glutathione treatment. The jury’s out on glutathione’s effects on pregnant or breastfeeding women, so if you’re pregnant or nursing please check with your doctor before you begin.

In some studies, cystic fibrosis patients had adverse side effects following glutathione treatment.

As always, if you are already on medication or a supplement regimen for any health condition be sure to speak with our doctor about the best IV treatment for you!

Glutathione for fertility

Can glutathione increase fertility?

Infertility can stem from any number of problems, including oxidative stress. Whenever there is an imbalance between antioxidants (like glutathione) and free radicals, it has an effect on the reproductive systems of both men and women.

Free radicals, also called reactive oxygen species (ROS) can interfere at a cellular level, cause diseased cells, and even threaten cell survival. High levels of ROS can contribute to infertility and adverse pregnancy outcomes.

Glutathione is not only an ultra-powerful antioxidant; it helps maintain all other antioxidants. Increasing the body’s level of antioxidants promotes repair of damaged cell structures, helps counteract free radical production and helps clear out accumulated reactive oxygen species.

Does glutathione help PCOS?

One study has shown that in women with PCOS, a high dose of glucose caused:

  • An increase in oxidative stress markers
  • A decrease in glutathione levels
  • An increase in testosterone levels associated with the lowered glutathione

A different study assessed oxidative stress and GSH levels in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome. They found women with PCOS had lower glutathione levels and more oxidative stress compared to women without the condition14. Increasing glutathione may be helpful for women with PCOS to mitigate the enhanced oxidative stress markers associated with the syndrome.

Glutathione & the thyroid

Is glutathione good for thyroid problems?

Glutathione plays an important role in thyroid hormone regulation, and glutathione is an essential factor in maintaining your health – including the health of your thyroid.

Oxidative stress in thyroid cells can interfere with hormone production. To combat oxidative stress, the thyroid produces glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme.

The thyroid uses large quantities of the mineral selenium to produce both glutathione and hormones. Too much oxidative stress leaves the thyroid without enough selenium to function properly.

Glutathione IV treatments can support optimal thyroid function by reducing oxidative stress and leaving more selenium available for hormone production.


  1. Pizzorno, Joseph. Glutathione! [National Center for Biotechnology Information] 2014
  2. [Glutathione: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage and Warning] 2018
  3. Wong, Cathy. The Benefits of Glutathione. [Verywell Health] 2018
  4. S. Jaya, J. Augustine, V.P. Menon. [Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry] 1994
  5. Ikeno H., Tochio T., Nakata S. [National Center for Biotechnology Information] 2011
  6. Al-Shobaili H1, Alzolibani AA, Al Robaee AA, Meki AR, Rasheed Z. [ibid] 2013
  7. Adeoye O., Olawumi J., Opeyemi A., Christiania O. [Review on the role of glutathione on oxidative stress and infertility.] 2018
  8. Drayer, Lisa. Foods that can suppress appetite, aid weight loss [CNN] 2018
  9. Lenton KJ1, Sané AT, Therriault H, Cantin AM, Payette H, Wagner JR. [National Center for Biotechnology Information] 2003
  10. Johnston CS1, Meyer CG, Srilakshmi JC. [ibid] 1993
  11. Dringen, R., Hirrlinger, J. Glutathione pathways in the brain [ibid] 2003
  12. Loguercio C1, Piscopo P, Guerriero C, De Girolamo V, Disalvo D, Del Vecchio Blanco C. Effect of alcohol abuse and glutathione… [ibid] 1996
  13. Savic-Radojevic A, Bozic Antic I, Coric V, Bjekic-Macut J, Radic T, Zarkovic M, Djukic T, Pljesa-Ercegovac M, Panidis D, Katsikis I, Simic T, Macut D. Effect of hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia on glutathione… [ibid] 2015
  14. Maha AH Sulaiman, Yahya M Al-Farsi, Maha M Al-Khaduri, Jumana Saleh, and Mostafa I Waly Polycystic ovarian syndrome is linked to increased oxidative stress… [ibid] 2018
  15. Abdel Halim A.Moustafa, Ehab M.M.Ali, Tarek M.Mohamed, Heba I.Abdou Oxidative stress and thyroid hormones in patients with liver diseases [European Journal of Internal Medicine] 2009
  16. Shan Z, Tan D, Satriano J, Silbiger S, Schlondorff D. [Intracellular glutathione influences collagen generation by mesangial cells.] Kidney Int. 1994;46(2):388‐395. doi:10.1038/ki.1994.286

Liu RM, Liu Y, Forman HJ, Olman M, Tarpey MM. [Glutathione regulates transforming growth factor-beta-stimulated collagen production in fibroblasts.] Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2004;286(1):L121‐L128. doi:10.1152/ajplung.00231.2003

Accepted Payments for IV Therapy

We accept cash and most credit cards, including VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Our services are HSA (Health Savings Account) approved, so you can also pay that way. We do not accept insurance, but our costs are typically less than what you can expect to pay for an ER copay, without having to sit in a waiting room.